AllMine outputs

AllMine outputs are detailled here. Some of them (such a trimmed reads) are “non-final” outputs and so, should not be conserved after the completion of the run. However if, for any reasons you may need them, you can gather them from the outputs.

Quality control reports and trimmed reads

During prepossessing, adapters, linker, low quality bases and low complexity regions are trimmed for the raw reads. Trimmed reads are stored in the trimmed directory. Thoses reads are then passed to quality checking. Quality control steps are performed by AllMine in order to ensure the quality of the sequencing data submitted. Reports names use the format <sample_name>.html and can be found in the QC_post_preproc directory. You can inspect them using your favorite web browser. As the sequencing data quality influence allele mining reliability, quality control report always should be carefully inspected and taken in account during the results interpretation.

Mapped reads and de novo splicing junctions

Two different strategies of mapping are supported by AllMine. For DNA sequencing inputs, AllMine uses BWA (Burrows-Wheeler Aligner). For RNA sequencing input, STAR (Spliced Transcripts Alignment to a Reference) is used with a two pass strategy. In both cases, mapped and sorted reads are stored in the mapped directory. Both full alignments files and parsed around specified regions are conserved, allowing new parsing around other regions without executing the mapping once again. In the case of RNA sequencing data, the sub-directory STAR_SJ is created. It contains the de novo splicing junctions discovered by STAR during the first pass of the mapping.

Putative SNPs

Putative variants called by Annovar can be found in the variant directory. Each subfolder correspond to one sample. Annotated, phased and raw variants are displayed.

Non synonymous variant summary

This is the main AllMine output. is a tabular file displaying all non synonymous SNPs found by AllMine. Base and amino acid reference and variation are indicated as well as genotype (het or hom), location in the gene (exon1, exon2 …). If a variant is found in more than one sample, all concerned samples are indicated in the SAMPLE(s) column.

Run Report

Allmine build an R markdown report to sum up most of the information about the run. This report also include coverage plots for regions of interest.